Who We Are
We are a Jesus Church. A small tribe of His followers connected by our common faith and a deep desire to see our city [and the world] come to know His power and beauty. We are not perfect. But Jesus is. Thankfully, we are a movement built on Jesus. From our Conferences, to our Community Groups, from a record Label to LOVE ATLANTA, every facet of what Passion does is committed to the name and renown of Jesus.
For over 20 years Passion has existed to spread the message of Jesus as far, and as deeply as possible. Through Passion Conferences, sixstepsrecords, Passion City Church locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C., Passion Publishing and more, our team works each and every day to show the life and light of Jesus. Our team members flex and adapt to an ever-changing world because they are rooted in Jesus’ Word, they move through culture as ambassadors of His reconciliation and they go above and beyond what is asked of them because we believe that excellence is the calling card of Kingdom-minded people.
To learn more about who we are, check out click on the ‘US’ button.
Current Openings
At Passion, our work is more than a 9-5. It is an opportunity to point people to what matters most in their life, the fame and renown of Jesus.

For God. For people. For the city. For the world.
Passion City Church began with a stirring in the hearts of Louie and Shelley Giglio for the local church. Born out of the Passion Movement (a decades-old movement among the collegiate generation), they sought to plant a local community of faith impacted and informed by the DNA of Passion. We are a Jesus church and want to gather in worship and scatter to shine His light and love throughout the city and beyond.