What is CORE?

Practical, Theological, Discipleship

CORE is the vehicle by which people at Passion City Church become theologically trained, spiritually mature, and equipped to live out the Christian life.

These free courses consist of live teaching and are open to adults of all ages.

Fall Classes

9/25, 10/2, 10/9

Course Descriptions
The Essence of ‘Good News’

The Gospels

This course explores the context, work, and teaching of Jesus Christ told through the four unique Gospel narratives. As arguably the most read books of the Bible, the Gospels offer so much more rich context and content that can deepen our faith and bring us closer to the person of Jesus.

Equip and Inspire Believers


This course is purposed to equip and inspire believers to share their faith and to be prepared to face hard and difficult conversations, as is increasingly common in our society. Some topics covered are morality, the distinction of Christianity, the proof of the resurrection, and the problem of pain.

The Biblical Framework of Money

Biblical Finances

This course digs deeper into how we view and choose to manage our finances. We start by addressing the biblical framework of money and shift into more practical topics like how to build a budget.

Deepen Interactions with Scripture

Bible Study Methods

This course is intended to help students learn practical tools for deepening their interactions with scripture. Focusing on an inductive method, this course covers both the importance for studying the Word and coaches students through what that looks like.

The Beliefs of the Church

The Church

This course digs into the history of the Church, exploring back to the Apostolic Era and the early Church fathers and builds from their to outline the works and marks of a holy, united, Christ-centered, Gospel-focused church. Topics include: Church history, Orthodox beliefs, ordinances, order, evangelism, edification, and worship.

Key Theological Truths

Essential Theology

This course covers the key theological truths that shape our faith. Topics covered in Essential Theology include: Trinitarianism, the Characteristics of God, the inerrancy of the Word, the condition of man, the person of Jesus, the work of salvation, sanctification, the Church, and the future hope.

The Meta-Narrative of Scripture

The Scripture Narrative

This course covers the meta-narrative of the Scripture and walks through the text from Genesis to Revelation. Topics include: the covenants, the connections between testaments, the fulfillment of Christ, and the end of the story to come.

Live By The Spirit

Spiritual Life

This course walks through some of the Spiritual Disciplines and addresses the process of sanctification and how we can stay in step with the Spirit and give no provision to the flesh.

The Definition of Worship

Theology of Worship

This course teaches on the definition of worship and how the theme of worship is seen throughout all Scripture. The primary topics covered drive towards an understanding that worship is a lifestyle, not just an activity on Sunday mornings.

Reaching The World + Reaching Your Neighbor

World Missions + Evangelism

This course is designed to help you understand how the Christian is called to reach their neighbor and how the Christian is called to reach the world. Topics covered in World Missions + Evangelism include: understanding the call to make disciples of all nations, distinguishing Christianity from other world religions, and practical ways to live on mission in your community and everyday life.

The Heartbeat Behind CORE


With courses that cover a wide curriculum of theological topics, CORE provides a rich foundation that will strengthen your walk with Jesus.

By participating in CORE, you will:
1. Learn to walk more closely with Jesus.
2. Stabilize your theology and deepen your faith.
3. Become equipped to lead, shepherd, and teach.


Stories of CORE

Watch the videos below to hear from past CORE students. They share the impact CORE had on their personal relationship with Jesus, and what they were able to learn by taking a class.

Watch Now

Living a Spiritual Life

A Changing View of Scripture

A Deeper Understanding of Our Faith

Keronda Robinson's CORE Story

Hear how taking a CORE course helped grow her relationship with Jesus and why she feels taking a course is an important step in developing your spiritual life.

Tyler Chartier and Andrew Walker's CORE Story

Hear how taking a CORE course helped shift the way these Door Holders view scripture and developed their understanding of the core beliefs of our church.

Worship Team Door Holder's CORE Story

Hear how taking a CORE course created a deeper understanding of scripture and our faith for this group of worship team Door Holders in our House.

Since Fall 2020 CORE has seen…

82 Courses Offered

4000+ Courses Completed

6500+ Unique Students

Frequently Asked Questions


Will classes be recorded and offered at a later date?

As of now, we are not offering recordings of classes.


Is it required to attend every class in order to sign up?

While attendance is not mandatory, we highly encourage you to make each class a priority as the content is specifically designed to be best learned in a three-week period. 


Can I switch to an online class if I sign up for in-person?

Our goal is that participants would continue in the class format that they originally signed up for. If you need to change from in-person to online class, please let us know with 48-hours advance of that particular class. In case of an emergency, please contact


Do I have to pay to attend CORE?

Due to the generosity of the people of Passion City Church, CORE is free to participate in and attend. If you would like to contribute to making CORE classes possible, we encourage you to give below.

Give Here


How often will CORE classes be offered?

CORE classes will be offered on a semester-by-semester basis (Spring, Summer, Fall).


What is the workload like for CORE classes?

In a typical CORE class, you will hear lectures each week and be encouraged to read other resources, especially Scripture. However, there are no homework assignments, gradings, tests, or quizzes required for completion of a course.


How many weeks does CORE last?

Each CORE class is done over a three-week cycle, with each class being two hours long.


What should I do if I am interested in seminary classes?

Passion City Church has an incredible partnership with Dallas Theological Seminary. Because of this partnership, you can pursue a degree from DTS while attending seminary classes in Atlanta. If you are interested in taking seminary classes through Dallas Theological Seminary’s Atlanta Campus, click the link below!

Learn More


How can I stay up to date on all CORE news?

If you want more details on upcoming classes or additional opportunities to stay connected to CORE, you can join our email list below.

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