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We are the recipients of the greatest gift the world has ever known—the love, grace and mercy of God. At no cost to us, yet at the highest cost to our Savior, we are free and forgiven forever. Our destiny has changed. Our identity is brand new. Our guilt is vanquished. Our eyes are opened.
Having freely received, we freely give.

Heartbeat of Generosity
Why We Give
At Passion City Church, we don’t say, “we’re going to take the offering”. Simply stated: God is not a taker. God is a giver. So we give the offering. Here’s the truth: there’s nothing you and I have that God needs.
God doesn’t want to take the offering.
God doesn’t want to take our money.
Because, God doesn’t need our money.
On the other hand, God has let go of everything. He sent His Son to give us life and breath and freedom. To set us free from our chains, from our bondage, from what enslaved us. To deliver us out of death and into life. To give us Himself. So in response to all He’s done we say, “God I want the world to know about Jesus. So I’m going to give into our House. I’m going to give into Passion City Church because I believe here my money will be multiplied to help the city and the world come to know Jesus. At the end of the day, when I stand in heaven I’m going to know that money wasn’t lost. That money was gained because it multiplied itself over and over again into people’s lives.”
So the prayer is that God would take our hearts today. Capture us today. Awaken us to that fact that He loves us and cares for us. There’s nothing we have that He doesn’t already have a million times over more than we have. And there’s nothing we have that didn’t come from Him first. Then, we will have this great privilege and ability to respond by joining Him with our time, our energy, our gifts, our opportunities, and our money. We have this opportunity to lean into the things that last forever and sewing into what God is doing here in this House.
For Jesus!

Above + Beyond
The Church is Alive and Growing Stronger
Above + Beyond
The Church is Alive and Growing Stronger
Above + Beyond is the opportunity as a House to bring a financial gift above what we normally give so that our House can step into a new season of belief and generosity beyond where we normally could go.
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of bank accounts can I give from?
You can give online from your checking account or from these credit card providers: MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express.
Are there any fees involved with giving online?
Not to you. You will not pay any fees with an online gift. In addition, online gifts are a more cost efficient way for the church to process donations.
Can I make a one-time or recurring contributuion?
Yes. You have the option of either making a one-time gift or setting up a recurring gift. For a one-time gift, you can designate if the gift should be made immediately or you can schedule the gift to come out of your bank account on the date(s) specified by you. Likewise, reccurring gifts can be scheduled on the dates that work best for you.
Can I change my personal information, amount or frequency of my gift once I have it set up?
Yes. You can change or cancel your contribution at any time before the date of your next contribution. Simply log in using your user name and password to make the necessary changes.
Can I review my donation history online?
Yes. You are able view the complete history of your contributions through CONNECT. If you have a CONNECT account, your history will be there. If you give by check, you will need to create an online account in CONNECT and then we will manually provide you with your previous giving information.
Will I still receive regular contribution statements from the church?
Passion City Church will send year-end contribution statements via e-mail or if we do not have your e-mail, we will send it to your address on file.
When will my contributions be given from my account?
Your contributions will be given from your specified bank account within 48 business hours of the date you requested. This time frame allows time for the contribution to process through your bank and the church’s bank. If the date of your contribution falls on a weekend or a holiday, the transaction will be initiated on the next banking day.
What is your refund policy?
If you have made a mistake entering your contribution or need a refund for any reason within 10 days of entering your contribution, please email us at and we will gladly refund your contribution.
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