
Preparing your life for the miracle of marriage

Marriage is meant to be enjoyed by a husband and wife. Certainly, this was a part of God’s intention. Moreover, this beautiful union between two people was meant to be a reflection of God’s covenant union with us. Christ gave Himself up completely to see us, His Bride, come alive. Our response? It can only be to receive this grace and submit to His loving ways. As this picture God gave us in marriage to reflect His own love, our marriages can reflect His love to the world.

What is Unite?

Marriage is meant to be enjoyed.

Certainly, this was a part of God’s intention. Moreover, this beautiful union between two people was meant to be a reflection of God’s covenant union with us. Christ gave Himself up completely to see us, His Bride, come alive. Our response? It can only be to receive this grace and submit to His loving ways. As this picture God gave us in marriage to reflect His own love, our marriages can reflect His love to the world.

UNITE is a mentorship journey to prepare you and your fiancé to best reflect Christ in your marriage.

You and your future spouse will spend eight weeks traveling together, alongside a mentor couple, through various topics to help shape your expectations of marriage, develop your communications skills, and to understand how to best serve and honor your spouse.

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Session 1 (Large Group Setting)

God's Picture of Marriage

Understand the role of sacrificial love and its reflection of God to the world.

Session 2 (Large Group Setting)


Cultivate healthy communication skills to deepen connectedness in your marriage.

Session 3 (Large Group Setting)

Conflict Resolution

Discover how to strengthen your marriage and glorify God through conflict.

Session 4 (Large Group Setting)

A United Approach to Finances

Uncover the opportunity to praise a generous God through your finances.

Session 5 (With Your Assigned Mentor Couple)

Flourishing as Husband and Wife

Learn how men and women can flourish individually and together in their roles as husband and wife.

Session 6 (With Your Assigned Mentor Couple)

The Design of Sex and Intimacy

Discover the power of sex and intimacy, and the redemptive hope of Jesus.

Session 6 (With Your Assigned Mentor Couple)

Strengthening Your Relationship

Understand the priority of pursuing your spouse.

Session 8 (With Your Assigned Mentor Couple)

Session Chosen By Mentor Couple

Session 8 is designed to meet the specific needs of the mentee couple.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is UNITE?

UNITE is an eight-week journey to prepare you and your fiancé for marriage. It is separated into two phases. During phase one, you will be seated with two or three other engaged couples and a mentor couple. Together you will watch a video on that week’s topic and be guided in a group discussion by your table's mentor couple. Our hope during this time is that you will meet and connect with other couples in a similar stage of life while journeying through the curriculum. At the end of Phase 1, you and your partner will take the Prepare/Enrich assessment. In Phase 2, you and your fiancé will be assigned a mentor couple with whom you will meet one-on-one (actually couple to couple) to discuss additional pre-marital topics with conversations directed by the feedback from your Prepare/Enrich assessment.


Do we have to be a part of Passion City Church to attend UNITE?

No, but we hope that you will join us for a Sunday gathering along the way at one of our Atlanta area locations.


Do we have to be engaged to participate?

Yes, we do ask that you are engaged. If you are a couple that is seriously dating and has plans to be engaged soon, you are welcome to sign-up if the up-coming session of UNITE falls during your engagement.


What if we are recently married, can we still participate?

Yes, if you are newly-weds and did not complete any type of pre-martial mentorship, you are welcome to sign up and we will do our best to pair you with couples in a similar stage of life. However, if you can participate before your wedding date, we strongly encourage you to make UNITE a priority.


What can we expect from the UNITE sessions?

You and your fiancé will travel through two phases and a variety of topics to help you strengthen your relationship and grow your communication skill. The first phase will center around video content with group discussion and action steps for you to take as a couple. The second phase will include some video content in addition to one-on-one mentoring and action steps as directed by your mentors.


Is there an age requirement to participate?

We ask that you and your partner are at least 18 years old.


How long is UNITE, what would be our time commitment?

UNITE has eight sessions separated into two phases. The first phase meets once a week, for four weeks. The second phase sessions will be scheduled by you and your mentor couple at times which are convenient for all of you.


Will child-care be provided?

No, childcare will not be provided.


Do we get to choose our mentor couple?

Our team will carefully review each application along with your Prepare/Enrich assessment to pair you with a mentor couple that can best lead you based on their experiences. If you would like to request a particular couple, you are welcome to tell the UNITE team but we cannot guarantee you will be assigned your requested couple.


Is there a cost for UNITE?

There is a one-time fee of $35 per couple for the Prepare/Enrich assessment.


What if we miss one of the meetings?

In some circumstances, your mentor couple may be able to facilitate access to the video teaching independently and walk through the questions with your partner but we strongly encourage you to attend all the sessions in person.


Do we have to have our wedding date chosen to sign up?

No, but due to limited space, we may ask you to attend a cycle of UNITE later in the year if that coincides with your wedding time frame.


When meeting with our mentor couple during Phase 2, will we meet at Passion City Church?

No, you will establish a time frame and meeting location with your mentor couple that works best for you.


Do we need to fill out a survey or questionnaire about our relationship before signing up?

You and your fiancé will need to fill out the UNITE application and will be prompted to complete the Prepare/Enrich assessment during Phase 1.


Can we participate virtually?

Phase 1 will only be offered in person but you are welcome to complete Phase 2 virtually with your mentors at the discretion of your mentor couple.