For God. For People. For the City. For the World.
For God. For People. For the City. For the World.
“Comfort is not a fruit of the Spirit. Neither is convenience. Neither is easy. The gospel is about moving out. So let’s not put limits on where the gospel is going to take us.” - Pastor Brad Jones — Jesus has wired us with a mindset of reach so that others can receive the Good News of Jesus. The gospel is moving and the light of Jesus is spreading. Are you willing to move with it? Are you willing to deliver? — Key takeaways: — + Jesus alone has the power to perform miracles, give life and heal our soul. + If you want God to use your life for the extraordinary, then posture yourself as a receiver. + Jesus is the bread of life. When we choose Him for spiritual nourishment, we will never go hungry. + The disciples were ready not to produce a miracle, but rather to participate in a miracle.