Our Theological Truths
What We Believe
We live in shifting times but are rooted in eternal truths, the teachings of Holy Scripture. Here at Passion City Church we are guided by certain foundational beliefs and shaping values.
Our History
We are: For God. For people. For the city. For the world.
Passion City Church began with a stirring in the hearts of Louie and Shelley Giglio for the local church. Born out of the Passion Movement (a decades-old movement among the collegiate generation), they sought to plant a local community of faith impacted and informed by the DNA of Passion.
With a small team of people, that vision took flight in 2008, as small gatherings began in homes throughout Atlanta. The desire was to foster a family of believers connected by a common faith, on mission in the city and the world to amplify the name of Jesus.
And that’s exactly what happened. Our first gathering was held on February 15, 2009, in Atlanta at The Tabernacle. From there, God faithfully provided, as our little tribe met at various locations all over the city of Atlanta until we landed in our first permanent gathering site at 515 Garson Drive. Since then we’ve added locations in the Cumberland and Trilith areas of Atlanta and a location in Washington D.C. whose weekly gatherings started in April of 2018.
Passion City Church remains a place where the gospel is central and Jesus is always the lead story. We are a Jesus church and want to gather in worship and scatter to shine His light and love throughout the city and beyond.
Our Cities + Locations
This is How We Describe Us...
Jesus is Our Lead Story
In fact, Jesus is our only story. He is preeminent in our
hearts and central in all we do.
We believe Jesus is unrivaled in history and eternity. He is God and He is good; glorious both now and forever. His Name is the only name that saves. His power is the only power that can raise us from the dead.
Our goal is not just to get people to church. Ultimately, we want people to meet Jesus. That’s why we say we are a Jesus church. We really don’t want to be identified by any other name.
The Gospel is Central
Everything we do is because of what Jesus has already done.
We believe that Jesus, who was God in human flesh, erased our debt on
the cross and lives to be our life. Jesus did what we could never do to
allow us to experience what we could never have apart from Him.
The gospel we celebrate is not that our sin made us bad people and
somehow Jesus makes us better. We believe our situation was far worse
than that. Our sin left us spiritually dead and separated us from the
perfect Father.
Our good news is this: Jesus didn’t just come to make us better versions
of ourselves. Jesus came to bring us from death to life.
All we do and say is anchored in this gospel story.
Worship is a Lifestyle
We love to worship and we love to sing. But for us, worship is more than
singing songs. Worship is life.
The world is broken. People are hurting. In so much of Earth—disease,
injustice, poverty, and neglect win the day. That’s why God wants more
than a song. God wants justice for the poor and oppressed.
We believe worship and justice are two sides of the same coin. Our
best worship is the song we sing as we reach out to those in need.
We believe there is no division between the sacred and the secular. Life
is not about what you do, it’s about why you do it. Worship is doing
everything we do to the fullest potential; using our unique gifts and
opportunities to magnify Jesus everywhere, all the time.
We love to work. Because we believe our work is worship when it’s done
as a way of bringing honor to God.
Generosity is Normal
We are the recipients of the greatest gift
the world has ever known—the love, grace
and mercy of God. At no cost to us, yet
at the highest cost to our Savior, we are
free and forgiven forever. Our destiny has
changed. Our identity is brand new. Our
guilt is vanquished. Our eyes are opened.
Having freely received, we freely give.
We believe Jesus is a giver and not a taker.
Not only has He given us life and breath,
but by His death and resurrection He
defeated the sin that would rob us of both.
So, when it comes to giving, we believe
percentages are a thing of the past, and obligation is the wrong approach. Giving
is worship—and our worship is a response
to the extravagant grace and glory of
God. Our response isn’t to calculate how
little we can return to Him, but to offer
God everything as our only appropriate
thanks for all we have and are in Jesus.
Generosity is not so much about our
wealth as it is about our hearts, and our
confidence in God over money.
Generosity is not only for those with great
net worth. We believe even what seems
small can be used for great things when
placed in the hands of God.
We Are Family
We want to be organized for maximum impact, but we
believe church is more than an organization you join; it is a
family to which you belong.
Church is not about membership, it’s about relationship.
By grace we are God’s children. That makes us family—
brothers and sisters placed in a household called the Church.
Church is different. And special. We are God’s people, alive
because of His grace. We don’t pay our membership dues
and then expect a certain return. We pitch all we have and
are into the House, root our lives within our family, and walk
with each other through thick and thin.
Our church may have many rooms, but there is just one
House. No room elevates itself above another, but together
we build our House for His fame.
We are a family on mission in our cities and the world.
We believe the story we are a part of is
bigger than the role we play. And since
we are a church where Jesus is central,
we already happily know that it’s not
about “me.”
Me-ism fragments and dilutes the story we
carry. We-ism triumphs and makes us strong.
We want our bench to be deep and our
brand to be Jesus. We believe everyone
has a role to play and a story to tell.
We don’t always have to get credit for
everything we do, because the One who
sees it all rewards us all.
For us, there is no they… as in, “I don’t
know who decided that, but they must not
have thought about us when they did.” In
most organizations, they is simply code for the people we don’t know, can’t see or
don’t like. We are just we. That’s why our
first response is to assume the best and
why we don’t make blanket statements
we can’t support. We don’t say everyone
feels a certain way, unless we have literally
polled everyone and know that to be
the case.
We take ownership in our House, even if
we are not making all the decisions. We
support. We trust. We unite. We squash
gossip and champion those around us.
We won’t always get everything right,
so when needed we talk to the proper
people in the proper ways so that our we
can become as strong as it can be.
Because we is greater than me.
Culture is What You Make It
Culture is one of the things each of us can decide about
our lives.
Ultimately, we choose how we shape the values, attitudes,
language, expectations, motivations and atmosphere in
which and from which we live.
Every company, organization, school, and family has its own
unique way of doing things. That’s called culture.
Because we are a collection of many people from various
places, backgrounds, and stories, we believe culture-making
is essential for unifying our House around shared vision and
galvanizing our hearts as we carry the message of Jesus to the world.
Words Matter
Language is essential. With our words we
create the world in which we live. That’s
why we try not to use clichés and do not
feel bound by standard terminology.
We seek to create and shape our culture by
using words and phrases that accurately
reflect the people we want to be and the
things we endeavor to do.
For example, we have “gatherings” on the
weekend and not services, because when
we come together in worship it’s more
about gathering than it is about serving.
Of course, there are many people who
serve to make these gatherings possible,
but we call them “Door Holders” and not
volunteers. They don’t all literally hold a
door, but they do all consider it a pleasure
to happily open the way for others to
experience Jesus.
We do “hosting time” in our gatherings
instead of announcements, a time where
we share the latest on the life of our House,
which is what we call our church. We
currently meet in multiple locations but we
will always be one House. We believe the
church is not a building, but its people.
We Design Everything
Because God is the most beautiful One of
all, beauty matters in all we do. Every sign,
place, communication, decoration—every
inch of our space is designed.
Intentionally. Culturally. Purposefully.
We do not believe our design needs to be
ostentatious. But we do believe everything
needs to be designed. Our design is one
of the ways we speak to the world around
us and reflect God’s beauty. And because
God is in the details, we design down to
the smallest level. We value creativity
because it points us back to the Creator of
all. Regular, ordinary, and usual are not on
our list of values.
Design affirms that we are current and
helps us usher His unchanging message to a rapidly evolving world. That’s why
we put so much thought and energy into
the spaces we invite people into. Before
most people hear us, they see us. We want
what they see to be inviting, interesting,
inspiring, excellent, and compelling.
Everyone isn’t naturally a designer. So if
this is not your strong suit, our design team
and others are always happy to help.
Because order communicates purpose,
and attention to detail reflects beauty,
we pay attention to our surroundings. We
displace clutter, wipe counters, straighten
pillows, pick up paper towels that miss the
trash can, create welcoming spaces, and
leave environments looking better than
when we arrived.
That We May
When it comes to serving God and people, we want to leave
obligation in the dust. We were lost and dead when the love
of God came and found us. Now we are alive and free. So
we don’t serve because we have to or even because we can.
We serve because we may.
We want to exceed expectations, serving in the power of
God’s spirit and with the joy that He gives. We are followers
of Jesus, therefore our desire to serve is big and no role is
too small. Serving in His House is not a pain, it’s a privilege.
We bring our best. We are proactive, and we take initiative.
Because Jesus brings change, we embrace flexibility.
Serving is not optional for Jesus people. Serving is the
Jesus way.
Set The Tone
Because we carry the light of Jesus, we want to lift the
atmosphere everywhere we go. We may not be in control
of every environment, but we want to inject positivity and
life into every situation.
We believe in more than hype; we want to keep it real. Yet, if
Jesus is alive from the dead, nothing is more real than that.
We rise above feelings, choose joy, and lead from a
source greater than ourselves.
We refuse to adjust to the current climate, but believe we
are catalysts who raise the tone, shift the mood, and call the people around us to more.
Humility + Honor
Because Jesus is at the center, we do not take ourselves
too seriously, nor do we elevate ourselves above each
other. Because He is our shining star, there’s no need for
us to act like big-shots. But because we are His, we also
don’t cheat ourselves and live like we are nobodies. We are
humbly confident in who God has made us to be.
Since humility is the way to greatness in the Kingdom of
God, we want to walk humbly with God and men. Pride
repels. Humility attracts.
We believe humility is not simply a character trait to be
developed, it is the by-product of being with Jesus. Thus,
we strive to stay close to Him.
We believe God rewards humility and lifts people.
Because He has honored us, we honor our leaders, our
teammates, and our family.
We Are Kingdom People
We love our “tribe” at Passion City Church, but also love
that we are just a small part of the “Big C” Church Jesus is
building. Because His Church will prevail, we will join Jesus
in planting and building His Church among all people.
Every Jesus church doesn’t look and feel the same, nor
should it. So, wherever Jesus is proclaimed as Lord, the
One Savior of all and the way to life forever, we seek to
find ways to celebrate our common faith.
Competition distracts and divides in cities where a
thousand gospel-centered churches could emerge
tomorrow and there would still be a need for more.
We are a Jesus church.
Our Leadership
Louie + Shelley Giglio
Louie is the Visionary Architect and Director of the Passion Movement, comprised of Passion Conferences, Passion City Church, Passion Publishing and sixstepsrecords, and the founder of Passion Global Institute. Shelley is the Chief Strategist, Director of Label Operations and Artist Management for sixstepsrecords, co-founder of the Passion Movement, and leads The GROVE, a gathering for the Women of Atlanta.
We are a Jesus Church
We are a Jesus Church
Our church is more than a place, it's a people in every place living for the One whose fame outshines every name. This is US. The core values + standards that guide our tribe in everything we do.