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As we observe Sabbath, we have the opportunity to stop, rest, and remember God’s faithfulness to our House and our families. We encourage your family to talk about the rhythm of Sabbath, its importance, and create space to observe Sabbath during these special days.
Since we will not meet in person over the next two Sundays, we wanted to provide your family with a few questions and opportunities to discuss and practice Sabbath together. We hope these will spark conversation around resting in God and how to put resting in Him into practice!
- In what ways do you get rest?
- How do you feel when you don’t get rest?
- What do you know about God?
- How has God shown His faithfulness over this past year?
- How can you praise or worship God for His faithfulness and character?
MORNING SHOUTS // Whether at the breakfast table or on the go, spend a few moments to pause the “morning craziness” and bounce off prayers of thanksgiving to God. Share three things you want to see God do today.
BEDTIME QUIET TIME // Gather together for some quiet time! Turn on worship music and encourage everyone to spend a few moments talking with God. Then, encourage everyone to write down or draw how God has been faithful over the past year. Afterward, share and close in prayer.
GET OUTSIDE // Pack a bag with snacks and a blanket, and go on a family nature walk. While on the walk, invite everyone to share their favorite parts of God’s creation. Along the way, find a spot to rest and eat snacks, and while resting, talk about upcoming events that you’re excited to see God work in and through!